Completed his MBBS from Mysore Medical College in 1995 and obtained MD (Medicine) degree from Bangalore Medical College. Completed his DNB (Nephrology) from the National Board of Examinations in 2005 under the guidance of the doyen of Indian Nephrology, Prof JCM Shastry.
Served as a Consultant Nephrologist in Kamineni Hospital, Hyderabad (2005 -Feb 2006). Senior Renal Registrar in Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia (March 2006 - Feb 2008). Consultant and later Head of Dept in Kamineni Hospitals (Mar 2008 - Dec 2014). Director, Nephrology in Century Hospital, Hyderabad (Jan 2015 - July 2020).
He is presently the Director, Nephrology & Transplantation, Medicover Hospitals, Telangana since Aug 2020.
Passionate about transplantation especially high-risk procedures like ABO incompatible kidney transplantation and crossmatch positive kidney transplantation.
Pioneering Hemodiafiltration as a superior alternative to regular Haemodialysis.
Deeply involved in the study of the Genetics of Diabetes, Kidney Diseases and Transplantation pharmacodynamics.
1.Relationship of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism with nephropathy associated with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Asian Indians. Movva S, Alluri RV, Komandur S, Vattam K, Eppa K, Mukkavali KK,Mubigonda S, Saharia S, Shastry JC, Hasan Q.J;Diabetes Complications. 2007 Jul-Aug;21(4):237-41
Normocalcaemicnormomagnesaemic tetany with tacrolimus. AshwinikumarAiyangar, Prawash Chowdhary, Kameshwar Rao,Kamal Kiran; Nephrology 2011 Volume 16, Issue 8, pages 784-785.
IGF2 ApaI A/G Polymorphism Evaluated in ESRDIndividuals as a Biomarker to Identify Patient withNew Onset Diabetes Mellitus after RenalTransplant in Asian Indians. Kiran Kumar Vattam, Imran Ali Khan, Sireesha Movva, Kamal Kiran Mukkavali, Subhadra Poornima, Pragna Rao, Qurratulain Hasan; Open Journal of Nephrology, 2013, 3, 104-108.
4.Influence of gene polymorphism on the pharamacokinetics of calcineurin inhibitors: In renal transplant patients from India. Kiran Kumar Vattam, Kamal Kiran Mukkavilli, Sireesha Moova, Pavani Upendram, Tarun Kumar Saha, Pragna Rao and Qurratulain Hasan: International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (ISSN 2251-0176) Vol. 3(1) pp. 9-15, January 2013.
Exploration of Insertion / Deletion Polymorphism of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme in Post-Transplant Diabetes Mellitus Individuals from an Asian Indian Population, Vattam, Kiran & Khan, Imran & Poornima, Subhadra &Mukkavali, Kamal& Rao, Pragna & Hasan, Qurratulain, DiabetesMetab 2014, 5:9.
Thrombotic microangiopathy in renal allografts. Radha S, Tameem A, Sridhar G, Aiyangar A, Rajaram KG, Prasad R, Kiran K. Indian J Nephrol. 2014 Jan;24(1):24-7. doi: 10.4103/0971-4065.125052.
Investigation of Calpain 10 (rs2975760) gene polymorphism inAsian Indians with GestationalDiabetes Mellitus. Imran Ali Khan, Sireesha Movva, Noor Ahmad Shaik, Srinivas Chava, Parveen Jahan, Kamal Kiran Mukkavali, Vasundhara Kamineni, Qurratulain Hasan, Pragna Rao. Meta Gene, Volume 2, December 2014, pages 299-306.
Correlation between KCNQ1 and KCNJ11 gene polymorphismsand type 2 and post-transplantdiabetes mellitus in the Asian Indian population. Imran Ali Khan, Kiran Kumar Vattam, Parveen Jahan, Kamal Kiran Mukkavali, Qurratulain Hasan, Pragna Rao Gene & Disease 2015 pages 1 - 7.
9.Kidney transplantation from a hepatitis C virus-positive donor to a hepatitis C virus-negative recipient. M Kamalkiran, V Ravikiran, C Shashidhar, K. V. R Prasad, V Yeldandi Indian J Nephrol. 2018 Nov-Dec; 28(6): 488-489.
10.ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation: Indian working group recommendations. Bhalla, AK & Kumar, BT & Chauhan, Munish & Das, Pratik & Gandhi, Bhupendra & Hegde, Umapati &Jeloka, Tarun & Mali, Manish & Jha, PranawKumar & Kher, Ajay &Mukkavilli,KamalKiran& Ramachandran, Raja & Jha, Vivekanand. (2019). Indian Journal of Transplantation 13. 252. 10.4103/ijot.ijot, 39, 2019.
11.Mukkavilli, Kamal Kiran*; Khan, Mohammed Shoeb A; Donakonda, Arun Kumar; Gangisetty, Suma Rama Gopal; Poojaveli, Dileena. Influence of Cyp3A4, Cyp3A5 and ABCB1 Polymorphisms on Tacrolimus Concentrations and Rejection Risk in Indian Kidney Transplant Recipients. Indian Journal of Transplantation 18(1):p 42-45, Jan-Mar 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/ijot.ijot_76_23.